Meet the Polytoria Team!

Meet the Polytoria Team!


Hey everyone! Have you ever wondered what your favorite staff member's color is? Or what game do they like to play while they aren't busy? This blog post will solve some of these answers for you guys! Every staff member who is a part of Polytoria will be talking about some of these things to you guys. Let's start with the owners, willemsteller and Bandito Burrito!

Unfortunately, this blog post is outdated due to some staff leaving the team. Stay tuned in the future for when we let our new staff introduce themselves!

About willemsteller...

Hi there! I'm willemsteller and I am the owner and creator of Polytoria! I spend several hours per week working on the client and website, but aside from that I also like cycling, listening to music, playing games, and watching Netflix.

About Bandito Burrito...

Hi, I'm Jane Aka Bandito Burrito, allegedly co-owner of Polytoria but facts are meaningless. Most of my life is spent in the bittering vortex between states of being, also known as being alive. I became the co-owner after Willemsteller forgot to destroy his cloning tube after dying to the galactic mandate, producing a failed clone with Superior intellect. Also, if you asked me why I despise Belgium my lawyer has requested I don't answer this question. Also, to answer all of your questions, no I will not be letting willemsteller out of my basement.

Head of Staff Team ---

About Clockset...

Hi, I’m Clockset. I control the system of assets and the inner workings of sales, shop events, and other tasks. I’ve been at Polytoria for a large amount of time and have made sure every asset is quality. If we ever find shop items that we or our users are unhappy with, I make sure we get to fixing it, despite how long some issues may take. Aside from that, I like to procrastinate, 3D model, and play video games.

About Damir...

Hello, I am Damir. I'm an Asset Creator here in Polytoria! At one point I used to be the only Asset Creator on Polytoria, excluding Clockset as he is head of staff. Fun fact I started my career in 3d modeling from purely joining the sandbox community 1 year ago(2020 may) but I have used blender since 2017 for GFX rendering. My favorite programming language is C#, And I'm the creator of the Showcase Badge! If you ever want to contact me for important reasons or ever wanna chat dm my discord or Instagram @damiralkhaov. I am grateful for being in the Sandbox community cause it is the thing that made me into someone, I used to be a nobody before the year 2020, barely had any skill sets at all, and wasn't very sociable but after discovering the full glory of the sandbox community I've invested hard and a lot into my skills and now quite proud of what I have achieved in a span of 1 year, thank you.

About bags...

Hey! My name is bags and I am a part of the Head of Staff team here at Polytoria. I control the moderation team and I also control the Showcase Articles that you see on the blog! My favorite game besides Polytoria is Minecraft, and you can sometimes catch me playing on the Polytoria Minecraft Server! If I'm not online I could be reading a book, because I am really interested in books as well. Oh! My favorite color is blue, and I really like mac and cheese.

Development Team ---

About Brixster...

I am a game developer from California, working to create a startup when I'm not busy with my classes. Currently developing two online games, Polytoria making that three. I genuinely care about creating interactive and easy-to-use user experiences, so when I am not playing TF2 you may find me designing something cool. That or, I'm just stuck wishfully thinking that high school would end

About Shiggy...

Hello, my name is Shiggy! you may know me as Pablo or Carlos too, I ana. Spanish developer who is working on the Polytoria website as well as the renderer maintenance. I primarily help Alyx and willemsteller with anything they ask even though sometimes I do scalability design for Polytoria too. I’m a bit greedy sometimes but keep I try to keep it cool! My favorite games are the yakuza series and the Kerbal space program. If you didn’t know I am actually a dude, some people get confused sometimes xD. I am also Spanish so expect my humor to be the physical manifestation of 21st century jumó

About rares...

Hello, my name is rares also known as rev and I am one of the Client Developers here at Polytoria. I've started learning about C# and Unity (Our current Game Engine) around 2 years ago and my dream is to work as a full-time developer in the future. My favorite color is red and my favorite games are Pheonix Wright: Dual Destinies and Professor Layton.

About Troplo...

Hi, I'm Troplo, I'm a web developer here at Polytoria, and primarily work with websites when it comes to programming, in addition to this, I like to listen to music, and play video games in my spare time.

About YetaGeta...

Hey, my name is YetaGeta. My role at Polytoria is to work on the website! I enjoy programming in my free time, feel free to send a friend request & a message :D

About matt...

Hey, I'm Matt! Better known as Sythe. I'm the longest-tenured staff member that isn't CEO. I work in the management field along with the developer field. I pretty much work on random stuff that will help the site/client. My recent update is a debug menu for the client, I'm currently working on an admin panel for admins. I really love to play video games along with making them. My favorite color is green. If you have any questions, you can contact me on Polytoria or discord!

About Alyx...

Hi everyone, my name is Alyx! I'm the new lead developer for Polytoria. I like to code in my free time, and I'm glad to be part of the Polytoria community and its development. My favorite color is light blue, I enjoy watching movies, and hanging out with all my friends. I'm an avid member of the sandbox site community and have lots of experience owning and working for similar sites in the past. If you send me good memes you might get free bricks. 😎

Asset Team ---

About CyA...

Hey there! My name is CyA and I am an asset designer here at Polytoria. My favorite color is blue and I like to play games in the meantime when I'm not busy. My favorite game besides Polytoria is Roblox and when I'm not busy you could catch me playing Roblox!

About ClockPuppet...

Hi, I'm ClockPuppet! I make some 3d assets onsite and stuff, you may have known me by Chris or owo. I've been 3d modeling for almost a year now, and have over 1000 hours in Blender! I also like to attempt hard obbies on the site, so if you have a good one I would be up for the challenge.

About olo...

Greetings, I am ''olo'' (Oliver J.) Born in Slovakia. I am an artist at Polytoria I joined recently like 2-3 months ago so I'm still improving my skills. I used Blender since 2018 and specialized in weapons mostly and didn't care about texturing much. Unlike other staff members filling up the Developer application, I just showed my work to one of the Moderators (Bandito Burrito) She then shared to Clockset probably and was hired. My texturing skills were far worse than they are now I improved a lot with my staff. Before I was working for people on Roblox and made them guns, props... Just commissions and got Robux out of it... :)) Even tried making a tower defense type game but it was too much for me and left for good

Moderation Team ---

About Nextrevit...

Yo, Nextrevit here: I'm a Blog Post artist/writer n' moderator 'round here on Polytoria, I aim to keep Polytoria a safe and fun environment for everyone. I also develop it as a hobby. Proud 'Murican and Rock N' Rolla. Keep on Truckin' everyone!🚛

About Usd...

Hey everyone! I am Usd, a staff in Polytoria, I've always wanted to work here because the community is awesome and welcoming, now I've achieved that goal, I try to stay actively moderating, checking on the forums, chatting with the people in the community. My favorite colors are green and red, in my free time I'd just be on Discord chatting on the Polytoria server, I also like to go outside and do new stuff. I am a friendly, helping, and positive guy, but can also be professional and strict, my plan is to stay here for as far as time goes, I'll never let you guys down. Thank you all for accepting me into this community, and thank you Willem for allowing me to work here!

About CEO...

Hello there, I am the user and staff CEO of Polytoria. I am a friendly and understanding person, so don't fret when talking to me! Anyways, my favorite color is green and my favorite show of all time is "The office".

About Rey O.Mighty...

Hello, Rey O.Mighty here! I work with the moderation team here at Polytoria, I've been with the team for several months now, and hopefully, that'll turn into a year. A game I play besides Polytoria is Roblox or Call of Duty, when I'm offline I'm either busy, outside, watching TeeVee, at school, or working out. I have 3 favorite colors which are green, red, and blue, one thing I enjoy at Polytoria is trading so you better send me a trade.

About KeyboardCombination...

Hello, My name is KeyboardCombination! I am a moderator here at Polytoria. I enjoy swimming, playing video games, programming, and binging YouTube. Polytoria is one of my most favorite communities to interact with, everybody is very welcoming and nice. Some games I enjoy playing besides Polytoria are Minecraft, Roblox, Brickadia, and some others.

About Kengie...

Hello there, my name is Kengie! Part of the awesome moderation team here on Polytoria. But to be honest with y’all, you can call me whatever I don’t mind you can call me "Kengie the most awesomeness person I’ve ever met in my entire life legendary waffle generation extraordinary gamer" or just "Kengie" lol as you can tell by my personality I am very positive! And I try my best to always be humorous. I also appreciate many things such as food, games, technology, learning new things, being a friend, and etc. I could honestly, go on and on about ME but let’s keep this short. Just like my height (Not TRUE!) Anyways, I am just your average person on the Internet I like to make friends hang out with other cool people! (Like you!) I really like movies/TV shows I can always read a good book especially if it’s about some good treasure hunting! I do appreciate good culture, I love to travel to different places to explore new things to see new things to experience new things. I love food like always I am eating something! I love anime as well it’s just so beautiful and amazing to watch! And to read! And most of all I really appreciate helping people when I’m able to help someone out it makes me feel like I did something great and I’m always happy to help anyone out with anything I will never judge because I know it’s wrong to judge others when everyone makes mistakes. I love all living things in this world. I have so many friends that I have been blessed with and every day I’m so thankful for everything! So I want to give you a gift. It’s not a physical gift but it’s more like a gift of appreciation a gift of motivation! I want you all to remember no matter what you go through life and life is going to be hard sometimes especially in the real world. It’s never going to be exactly how you picture it, but I want you all to know one thing and that is to never give up! I know it sounds like a cat poster, but it’s true if you never give up you can do more things than you could ever imagine and I want to spread positivity and most of our hope to everyone I don’t know who you are. But I believe everyone can do anything as long as you believe in yourself and if you have good friends by your side, then nothing can stop you I want you all to do great things when you all grow up because I believe in each and every single one of you no matter what I will always be here for anyone. But also remember even when I’m gone.. (wow that sounds dark.) Lol, when I am no longer a part of the community that you were part of just remember these words! “You can do all things as long as you believe in yourself” so just remember you all are doing great and I love you all. Thank you all so much for everything.

And there you have it!

You've met all of our Staff now! If you still have any questions you would like to ask our staff, you can contact them on our Discord Server or on Polytoria! I'm sure they would love to talk with you guys.

Thanks for reading! ~ bags