Polytoria: Halloween ARG 2022 Winners

Polytoria: Halloween ARG 2022 Winners


Hey everyone! Two weeks ago to celebrate Halloween, Polytoria hosted an ARG! For those who aren't familiar with ARGs, you have to think outside the box so you can solve the steps and get prizes along the way. The ARG has now concluded, and it's time to announce the winners! We had two teams successfully complete the entire ARG, and we're going to talk to a member of each team and let them speak on their experience with the ARG.

take one bag of sprite

First to beat the ARG on 11/03/2022 after 110 hours and 47 minutes

Join the Guild!

After 110 hours and 47 minutes, take one bag of sprite was the first group to complete the ARG completely. All members that were a part of this group were faced with the challenges that the ARG had intended, and they got past all of the steps after four days. We're going to be talking to one of the members of the ARG, ZStorm, and getting their thoughts and opinions on how difficult the ARG was!

What did you think of the ARG?

It was an experience as the transitions of progressing are well thought out such as playing a game, messaging a certain user, etc.

Where did you struggle the most?

Any nonsensical steps that were simply too vague like clovenhoof.

What did you think of the theme of the ARG?

It was toasted nicely.

What made you come up with your group name?

Jane randomly decided to bring up “take one bag of sprite” and therefore the best ARG group was born.

Anything else you'd like to note?

microwaving grapes

Pack of Caprisuns

Second to beat the ARG on 11/04/2022

A few hours the next day after the first group completed the ARG, the next group called the Pack of Caprisuns also defeated the ARG! They had a rocky start, and in the end, they made it all the way to the end. We're going to be speaking with the leader of the group, GR33N, and getting their thoughts on the ARG. Let's get right into it!

What did you think of the ARG?

It's a pretty cool event, basically like a small minigame where it starts off easy, then we progress for the questions to get difficult.

Where did you struggle the most?

We mostly struggled on the morse code part, took us around 1-2 days to get through it.

What did you think of the theme of the ARG?

It's a little bit spooky, yeah that's all I'd like to add.

What made you come up with your group name?

Originally I wanted my group to be called "PolyDetectives", but the members thought it was lame until some brick-hill ARG group by the name of "Cosmic Brownies" reminded me to basically make some name that had no sense or meaning into it, so yeah I'll just say I renamed my cool kid's group to "Pack of Caprisuns"

Anything else you'd like to note?

I learned that you gotta be careful when letting people into your group, I also learned that if you microwave an electronic device you can set your entire house on fire

Thank you to everyone who participated in the ARG, we appreciate all the wonderful feedback we got during it, and we can't wait for our future ARGs and how much more challenging they will be.

See you all in the future! ~ bags