Polytoria Showcase #11

Polytoria Showcase #11


Greetings everyone, and welcome to the start of April! To start off this wonderful month, we are going to get straight into one of the best Showcases to offer yet. Let's get started with Polytoria Showcase #11, baggy edition!

User of the Month

Usually, when we choose people for User of the Month, we choose people who are active on the website, have a good standing position in the community, and are friendly altogether! This one user has been extremely active in the Discord Server, can be seen on the forums, and can be seen all around the site! This user is hard to miss. Congratulations to baggy for winning User of the Month!

baggy is a user who is all around the community in multiple ways, always being seen in games or even being seen on the forums! You can see baggy talking on the Discord Server with over 43,000 Discord Messages sent to everyone! baggy is an awesome user on Polytoria and deserves all the recognization he can get. Congratulations again, baggy! Let's move right into Game of the Month.

Game of the Month

Do you like pressing buttons? Stepping on pressure plates, or other fun mechanics? Well, how about a game that is completely dedicated to finding a button to get onto the next level! That is what this game is all about, and there are over 4 levels dedicated to finding the right button to advance to the next level. Once you get the next button, the button gets progressively harder to find! Congratulations to Find the Button [V.1.6.0] by baggy for winning Game of the Month!

This game offers 4 levels that challenge you to find all the right buttons, once you find the button you get instantly teleported to another map so you can start on the next level. When you reach the next stage, it will start to get progressively harder with the button being more out of place than usual. You'll have to do some smart looking to make sure you find the correct button! You can tap the button below to check out the game, and congratulations again baggy for winning Game of the Month. We can now move right into Clothing of the Month!

Clothing of the Month

Have you ever wondered what's the difference between Clockset and bags? The story originates from when Clockset had the original name "bags" on BrickPlanet, and then StarMan (baggy) took the name from Clockset on Polytoria when introduced. The name constantly messed people up, thinking that StarMan was Clockset. In a result of this, word got around that Clockset was a fake, a fraud of StarMan! There was a shirt created to prevent all the rumors from escalating, by saying that Clockset is fake! Congratulations to Bags Shirt V1 by baggy for being chosen for our Clothing of the Month!

This shirt instantly tells the difference by who you believe, you can now share with your friends that you believe that Clockset is fake, and you can say that you're bags! This shirt is one of the best shirts in the catalog, being the best-selling shirt with over 10,000 sales! (Not really, but can we just say it is?) You can buy the shirt with the button below. Let's move right into Guild of the Month!

Guild of the Month

Calling all developers! Do you have some popular games on Polytoria that you would like to share with the community? Would you like to be ranked based on the visits to your game? Well, this guild has you covered! You can get ranked in the guild, talk with other developers about what creations you've made, and go ahead and flex your special role! Congratulations to Polytoria Developers by baggy for being chosen as our Guild of the Month!

As the text above said, the guild ranks you based on how many visits you have to your games in total. If you have 50 visits in total, you will be rewarded the Getting Started role. Then you can start to work your way up to 100, which will get you the Experienced Developer role! If you can get the 15,000 visits role, that would mean you would be the first person on Polytoria to get 15,000 visits. I challenge you to get this achievement! You can join the guild with the button below, and we will now move right into Staff of the Month to end off our fun Showcase.

Staff of the Month

It's time to reveal everyone's favorite Staff Member to this achievement, the moment everyone's been waiting for, he's the kindest staff member on the team, making sure that everything is running properly, as a matter of fact, he runs the blog, and he made this blog post that you're reading right now! Congratulations to baggy (me) for winning Staff of the Month!

baggy (me) is always hard at work making sure that the blog has awesome upgrades to make your reading experience better, he is the person who runs the Showcase along with his side-kick Nextrevit who is always working on the awesome thumbnails for the blog! As a matter of fact, he made this thumbnail for the blog post that you're reading right now! baggy (me) has been on the Polytoria team for two years, and I think that since I made all the showcases I should have this great achievement. Congratulations again, me! (I'm so proud!)

But wait, that's not all! Nextrevit is also going to be awarded the Staff of the Month as well for all he has done! I'm also showing biasedness because his avatar is... beautiful. Nobody can deny that his avatar is way better than everyone's on Polytoria. Congratulations to you as well, Nextrevit.

Wow, guys, that's another wrap to another awesome Showcase! Thanks for reading this month's Showcase, and obviously if you've made it down here all the way you can obviously tell that this blog post was a joke. But this isn't any normal joke...

My name is baggy, and I will see you next month for another wonderful (and legit) Showcase! See you in May!