Polytoria Showcase #1

Polytoria Showcase #1


It's the start of a new era.. I would prepare yourselves.. We are introducing showcases to the Polytoria Community! This means every week we will choose a user, a group, some clothing, and a game! Even better.. Every month we will be choosing a staff of the month to notice in the Showcase as well! If you get chosen to be noticed on the Showcase you will get this fancy badge that will be linked to your profile for everyone to see!

Showcase Badge

Well, what am I waiting for? Let's get into who we chose for this week!

User of the week

Being a user of Polytoria is a super important part of being apart of the community! You could be actively talking on the forums or just being a great overall part of the community. You could be well known too! For our User of the week we would like to congratulate USD for being chosen!


USD has been a great part of the community of Polytoria, by talking on the forums, being friendly, trading, you name it! USD has been a great part of Polytoria and we would like to congratulate him on that. Make sure to go send him a friend request!

Game of the week

Making a game on Polytoria takes patience and time, and we know that you guys are making games for the community! This time we chose a game that is fun, a game where you might fall and have to restart, and about racing your friends to the end! Congratulations to Supa Obby [21 Stages] for being chosen as our Game of the week!

Supa Obby [21 Stages] made by Cosmoblox

When I played Supa Obby, I found it super fun and challenging! As I progressed on, the stages got even harder! Make sure to go check it out because I'm sure you'll enjoy it just as much as I did!

Clothing of the week

Clothing is just as important to Polytoria, it gives our users a select choice between what to wear. Recently I noticed this person in particular making these wonderful clothing for Polytoria and the effort taken into making the clothing. Congratulations to Lily for getting the Red Christmas Overalls (Shirt and pants) chosen for Clothing of the week!

Red Christmas Overalls Shirt + Pants

When I saw the amount of work Lily put into making the Red Christmas Overalls I thought it was the most brilliant thing ever! Tons of work put into making a shirt and pants for Polytoria. Lily also makes more other style types so if you would like to see other types of this clothing you enjoy I would tap here.

Guild of the week

Guilds are like a community, something that someone joins for a particular reason, either it's a club for a game, or maybe a community! It could be to show off other things as well. Recently there has been a community that has done OUTSTANDING and I think you guys should go check it out. Congratulations to Teamen for making our Guild of the week!


Teamen recently has been growing and spending Studs on ads to expand to where they are now. You may see this ad pop up around Polytoria too!

Teamen Ad

Teamen is a group that revolves around the Teapot hat. If you have a Teapot hat, then this is the group for you! You can get a cool rank as well if you join the group, so make sure to drop by!

Staff of the week

Staff do so much for Polytoria, they keep our community a safe place. I have decided that a staff member should be chosen every month for doing such a excellent job at keeping us safe! For our first ever showcase.. I would like to thank Rey O.Mighty for keeping Polytoria such a safe place and being so active in the community!

Rey O.Mighty

Rey O.Mighty gets to anything before others, and makes sure that everything is alright in the community! I have never seen Rey O.Mighty not do something I ask him to do, he is a huge part of Polytoria and I would like to thank him for all he does for Polytoria. We all appreciate it and keep up the good work! Make sure to send him a message or a friend request and thank him for all he's done!

That's a wrap!

Thank you everyone for reading the first ever Polytoria Showcase. Make sure to come back in a week to read our second showcase! It's gonna be exciting. I'll see you all next time!

Bags and Willemsteller