Polytoria Summer Gamejam

Polytoria Summer Gamejam


Greetings everyone! It's been a long time since we've hosted a game jam for Polytoria, and boy are we proud to announce that we're going to be hosting a game jam this month! The topic is going to be summer-related, so let's get right into the details so you can get started on participating in our event.

For this game jam, the theme is going to be summer. We want you to create something that represents summer, what you enjoy about summer, etc. The choice is up to you! Make something that will impress the judges!

The contest will end on August 10th, and you'll have until then to create your project. Once the date has passed, you'll no longer be able to submit your game. Use the attached form to submit your game to the judges!


For 1st place, the winner will be given the Golden Tropical Trophy of Summer, 1 month of Pro Ultimate, 5,000 bricks, and a special badge that will be awarded to their profile.

For 2nd place, the winner will be given the Silver Tropical Trophy of Summer, 1 month of Pro Ultimate, 2,500 bricks, and a special badge that will be awarded to their profile.

For 3rd place, the winner will be given the Bronze Tropical Trophy of Summer, 1 month of Pro Ultimate, 1,000 Bricks, and a special badge that will be awarded to their profile.

Everyone that places between 4th and 10th place will be given a special badge that will be awarded to their inventory.


There are some rules that we want you to follow while creating your game for the game jam, so make sure that you're following all these rules or you risk yourself getting disqualified from the event!

  • Working on the game with multiple people is allowed, but only the person who uploaded the game will get the prize if your game wins.
  • You can submit multiple entries, but only the latest entry will be considered for judging.
  • Only games that were uploaded during the jam period (July 4th - August 10th) will be considered for judging.
  • Games that are not summer-themed will be disqualified.
  • Games that are inappropriate or offensive will be disqualified.
  • Games that are copies of other games will be disqualified.
  • Games that are updated after the deadline will be disqualified.

We can't wait to see what you guys end up creating, so go out there and create some awesome things! Good luck, and make sure that you're having fun!

~ baggy